Low-income families raising three or more children will soon be able to apply for home support
On 12 April, KredEx will begin accepting home support applications intended for low income families raising three or more children. In excess of EUR 3 million will be contributed this year in order to improve the living conditions of families raising three or more children. Applications can be submitted until 31 May.

Families raising at least three children under 19 years of age and whose earned income per household member in the previous year was a maximum of EUR 355 per month, will have the opportunity to improve their living conditions. First and foremost, families who do not have their own home or whose existing housing fails to meet modern living conditions – which includes the absence of a water supply and sewerage system or where the washing facilities have depreciated, where the roof is leaking or fireplaces fail to provide sufficient warmth or are life-threatening – will be given priority when it comes to the distribution of the support.
The maximum amount of support is EUR 10,000. Families with three and four children, to whom support has been allocated once before, are now eligible to apply for an additional EUR 5000. Families with five or more children, to whom support has been allocated once before, are now eligible to apply for an additional EUR 10,000.
Triin Reinsalu, Head of the Housing and Energy Efficiency Division at KredEx, said that over the past 14 years living conditions have been improved for more than 17,000 children with the help of home support.
‘Energy efficiency is not simply a buzzword; rather, making homes more energy efficient has an actual impact on people’s wallets, health and more broadly the climate. For more than 15 years KredEx has contributed to raising awareness in the field of energy efficiency, commissioned the necessary research and contributed to the development of the field through diverse cooperation with various partners and the construction sector. I am pleased to say that this year we will also be able to contribute to improving the living conditions of nearly 1000 children, and that over the past 14 years we have improved the living conditions of more than 17,000 children.’
Non-refundable support can be used in a number of different ways. For instance, in the case of expenditures related to the erecting, renovating, rebuilding, or expanding of housing, but also for costs related to establishing, changing, or replacing the technical systems or networks within the house. In addition, it can be used for purchasing a house, if the household doesn’t have their own actual home or the house or apartment owned by the family fails to meet modern living conditions, including being too small in terms of space for the family based on reasonable assumptions.
Last year, most support was provided for the acquisition of housing (129 cases). A total of 128 families received support last year for the renovation, building or reconstruction of housing.
Families who have previously received support must have used that previous support for the intended purpose and in a timely manner, and must also have submitted a final report to KredEx confirming this by the time of applying for the repeated support.
Applications can be submitted until 31 May of this year. Additional information about the terms and conditions and about applying can be found on the KredEx homepage www.kredex.ee.