The housing loan guarantee is meant for people who desire to take a loan for buying or renovating housing and seek to reduce their down payment obligation. The housing loan guarantee makes it possible to buy an apartment, house, plot of land or summer cottage.
A rural housing loan guarantee allows you to buy and renovate a home in the countryside.
The goal of the support is to improve living conditions for families of modest means who have three or more children. Families can use the support to purchase, renovate or expand their home and modernize the systems within their home.

The main purpose of the grant is to increase the energy efficiency of small residences.

The main purpose of the grant is to improve the air quality of densely populated areas. Upgrading old heating systems will also contribute to improved fire safety and energy efficiency.

By means of the reconstruction grant for small residences, we help owners reconstruct their residences. The objective of the grant and its results include achieving energy efficiency and a better indoor climate of small residential buildings, reducing their energy consumption, facilitating the adoption of renewable energy, increased number of dwellings with improved energy efficiency, and savings in the annual consumption of primary energy.
By means of the reconstruction grant for small residences, we help owners reconstruct their residences. The objective of the grant and its results include achieving energy efficiency and a better indoor climate of small residential buildings, reducing their energy consumption, facilitating the adoption of renewable energy, increased number of dwellings with improved energy efficiency, and savings in the annual consumption of primary energy.
By means of the reconstruction grant for small residences, we help owners reconstruct their residences. The objective of the grant is achieving energy efficiency and the better indoor climate of small residences, reducing their energy consumption, and facilitating the adoption of renewable energy.

The 2022 application round is closed.

The purpose of the support is to provide partial funding for the renovation of electrical systems in buildings in Tallinn that use the old voltage system (3×220 V), with the purpose of changing the buildings over to the new 3x230/400V voltage system.