Complete reconstruction of apartment buildings enables an increase in energy efficiency, extends the lifespan of the building, enhances its value in the real estate market, and results in improved indoor climate. The grant is intended for associations and local municipalities located in Ida-Viru County who wish to partially or fully reconstruct their apartment buildings and thereby increase the building's energy efficiency rating by at least one energy efficiency class.

The comprehensive reconstruction of an apartment building increases its energy efficiency and extends its useful life, raises its value on the real estate market, and leads to an improved indoor climate. This grant is geared towards apartment associations that are looking to reconstruct their apartment building as comprehensively as possible.

Toetusega rahastatakse korterelamute terviklikku rekonstrueerimist. Toetatavate tegevuste raames võimaldatakse korterelamu energiatõhustamist ning soodustatakse taastuvenergia kasutuselevõttu.

Avame taotlusvooru 28.10.2024 kell 10.00.

Taotlusvooru rahaliste vahendite maht on 15 miljonit eurot.

The loan is directed towards those apartment associations that have received a negative response to their renovation loan application from a bank or an offer with unreasonable terms (e.g. very short term, an interest rate that is significantly higher than usual).  With the help of the loan it is possible to finance renovation works and to combine the loan with reconstruction support offered by EIS, in order to provide the apartment building with a completely new lease of life.

A loan guarantee is suitable for apartment associations who want to take a bank loan for financing work performed to raise the quality of life for their residents but whose risk is deemed by banks to be higher than normal (e.g. a high share of people are in debt, the apartment is a building located in an area with low property values or in a monofunctional settlement, the investment per square metre is significantly higher than normal).

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and EIS are preparing a pilot project which will create prerequisites for accelerating the reconstruction of apartment buildings and reducing the cost of reconstruction. Soon, it will be possible to fix up, with the aid of the State, apartment buildings that were built on the basis of a standardised design, by using prefabricated components to do so.
The objective of the apartment building reconstruction grant is to facilitate the reconstruction of apartment buildings to be energy-efficient, to improve indoor climate and safety, and to mitigate the effects of the emergency situation that was announced on 12 March 2020, in the construction sector.

The comprehensive reconstruction of an apartment building makes it possible to increase the energy efficiency of the building, extends its useful life, raises its value on the real estate market, and provides an improved internal climate. This grant is geared towards apartment associations and local governments that are looking to reconstruct their apartment building as comprehensively as possible.

The comprehensive reconstruction of an apartment building makes it possible to increase the energy efficiency of the building, extends its useful life, raises its value on the real estate market, and provides an improved internal climate. This grant is geared towards apartment associations and local governments that are looking to reconstruct their apartment building as comprehensively as possible.

Comprehensive renovation of an apartment building helps improve the energy performance of the building, prolongs its lifetime, increases its value on the real estate market and ensures better indoor climate. The grant is intended for apartment associations and local authorities who want to renovate their apartment building as comprehensively as possible.

The 2022 application round is closed.

The purpose of the support is to provide partial funding for the renovation of electrical systems in buildings in Tallinn that use the old voltage system (3×220 V), with the purpose of changing the buildings over to the new 3x230/400V voltage system.

The purpose of the demolition grant is to support local governments or entities under their control in the demolition of buildings and structures that have fallen out of use, and which are located on an immovable belonging to them, which are in danger of collapsing or represent a fire hazard, if the renovation or transfer of such buildings and structures is not expedient.

The housing development investment support is meant to allow local governments to erect new buildings with rental units or renovating existing buildings for that purpose. The goal of granting the support is to ensure that mobile workers enjoy better access to the residential rental market and to promote investments into establishing residential space for the population.

Information about completed grants.

The capacity of apartment owners to invest in activities that promote energy efficiency in buildings and the introduction of local renewable energy will be supported.